Genocide is taking place in Nigeria.
Boko Haram has killed over 27,000 civilians, more than ISIS killed in Iraq and Syria combined. According to the Global Terrorism Index, Nigeria is the world’s third most dangerous country after Afghanistan and Iraq.
For over twenty years, Nigeria has been experiencing a silent slaughter of genocide. The International Committee On Nigeria (ICON), along with the International Organisation for Peace-building and Social Justice (PSJ), have collected and organized data from reputable sources.
These sources include Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLEDdata.com), Nigeria Security Tracker (CFR.org), Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START.umd.edu/gtd). And our own app users (see “Data Notes”).
We strived to report all the accurate details and wide- ranging incidents. Yet, this endeavor was met with the challenge to verify incidents and reflect correct categories.
We determined to classify the main “Actors”, but had to verify incidents but also had to make assumptions. It is obvious that incidents and deaths have increased, but the evidence is critically clear that the killings in Nigeria increased considerably.